Saturday, January 31, 2015

Weekly Review Jan. 25-31, 2015

Well hello my fellow Fleekers!

My first question is; what the heck happened to January?

I hope your week went well!  I hope you were able to follow through with plans and get things done that you needed to!

As for me?  Well.  I slacked most of the week.  I tried to get most of the things I procrastinated done on Saturday.

I went through my brain dump and looked at all the things I hadn't done.  My goal this week is less highlighted things!

Here is a look at my completed week.

This is my brain dump.  It has been working very well.  I write down everything that I need done day by day.  Depending on how much time I have I put a red * on the things that I could possibly do.  If I don't get that done I highlight them.  Then I forward them to the next day and write them in a different color.

Here are pictures of my weekly spread.  I take the most important items that I believe I can get done and put them in the daily boxes.  This has been great for priority planning.  

I got a bit done on my zone cleaning.  I need to do better.  

How did your week go?  Did you get done what you planned?  

Here's to a new week and a new month!  

Happy fleeking!

PS:  a giveaway is coming very very soon!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday Fleeker Friend Feature

Hello my fellow Fleekers (explanation to that here).

                    Guess what day it is?!

I would like to introduce you to my first fleeker friend.  My number one fan.  My mom.  (Did I elaborate that enough?  Lol.)

Her name is Wendy and here are a few questions to her and her answers.


1.  I use blue sky brand planner. I like the weekly/monthly pages.  I don't have enough to plan to warrant the daily ones. And I like this one because it's colorful and had the monthly  tabs.


2.  I have always used planners for as long as there were planners.  I used Franklin covey planners for many years but they got too pricey for me.  And I could get away with simpler format. I have always liked making lists and checking them off.  Seeing what I have accomplished is always a "high" for me.


3. Accessories: I like different color pens. But don't really have a method to my madness.  Just like different colors.  I have washi tape but because of the colorful planner I don't really use it.  I like stickers but don't really use them anymore either. I'm boring.


4.  I tried printing other planners when I starting "arc" ing my planners.  But at the beginning of the year I went back to my blue sky planner and ended up just arching it.


5.  I also run a family binder if you want to see that sometime.  I love that as well.  

Thanks mom for your support!  It was fun getting to know your planner geek side!  I guess it runs in the family.  Lol.  Love you mom!  

I hope to get to know more of you and your planners.  Email me at

Happy Fleeking!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My New Bullet Journal

Hello Fleekers!

I am now introducing you to my bullet journal. (I would like to give full photo credit to my lovely sister Jennie Robins.)

 Ready?  Here it is:

I got this journal at a local grocery store.  It kinda reminds me something from Lord of the Rings.  It is a collage ruled journal.  
On the front inside cover I have some graph paper stickey notes.  These have my symbols.  If you are unfamiliar with the bullet journal here is a link of the original man who came up with this brilliant idea: Bullet Journal Intro

On the next pages I have some sticky notes and an envelope.  I put my outgoing things kchecks to deposit, things to pay etc), in this envelope.  It is just a regular envelope glued with a glue stick.  

On the next spread is my January month spread.  I don't like the list view on my phone but this has been working very well.  I don't put my work schedule or my church schedule unless there is something unusual such as a family event at church or I end up covering for someone). On the right is a list of tasks that need to be done by the end of the month.

The next spread is my weekly.  On the left is I dunno what to call lay out?  I got this original idea here.  I really liked the lay out she used.  So I used her idea and made it my own.  I am still tweaking it every week to see what will work.
I used the flags for sub notes.  

Every week I have a food log.  I got the stamps from 
 Bella Creationz on Etzy.  They are very cute.  I also use the Momento Dew Drop Ink that I got from Michael's.  I might have a slight new addiction of going there.  I have to limit myself.

I like the idea of tracking habits.  Both good and bad.  There for I have borrowed ideas from others of off Pinterest  ideas on how to track in my journal.  My pages don't have 31 lines so I have to improvise.  This lay out is pretty sloppy so improvements need to be made but I like the idea.  I keep track on my weekly pages then transfer those to the monthly tracking.  I haven't kept up very well but I hope to do better.

Woosh.  How we doing so far?  Hanging in there?  Oh good.  Almost done!

Now.  I am a horrible example of staying within my means.  I have tried budget after budget.  Nothing seemed to stick.  So I came up with this idea.  So far it seems to be working as far as keeping track.  Staying within my budget? Yet to be determined.

This is a list of my goals for the year.  

On the right is a project page.  The lay out is from OrganizedLikeJen.  
I like her system of projects a lot.  However I need to implement it more in my getting things done.  I think the lay out will work well it's just a matter of getting it done.  On the left is my online ordering in which we will look at in a moment.

This is a master packing list.  Depending on where I am going obviously makes a difference in what I will take.  But I wanted just a master pack list just to have everything written down.  More so just another list to make.  Lol.

Now.  Just as I promised here is a look at my online ordering.  I might have a slight problem.  OK a big problem.  Must get this under control..
But this is where I keep track of what I ordered, when I ordered it, how much, when it came etc.

And there you have it.  

Now wait a minute....what about an index.  Did I miss it?  No you didn't.  You are fine.  Phew!  
I decided that the indexing would not work.  I need am easy way to find my pages here and now.  Therefore I use the page flags (can be found at Staples or any office supply store).  On the top are the most frequently used pages such as my weekly, monthly and budget tabs.  On the right I have the smaller flags which have things that I want to find easily but may not need every day.  Such as food journal, menu, etc.

And you made it!  Yay!  Thanks for spending the time joining me today going through my new system.  If you have any questions or want me to go into more details let me know!  

Here is a sneak peek at my February pages...I might have gotten sticker happy.

As always happy Fleeking and hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 26, 2015


Hello my fellow Fleekers!

I have come to a very important decision regarding this blog.  It needs more of you in it.  While this is a blog about my and I and me I would like the occational(and more than occational) sprinkle of you in there.  Because the more the marrier.  After are there are more letters in you than I.  Haha.  Am I stretching this blog humor?  Oh good.

Anyway.  I would like to start a series called
Friday's Fleeker Friend Feature

This is your chance to shine.  I want to keep this a kind and friendly fun and safe atmosphere for you fleekers.
If you would like to be featured with your ideas and pictures and suggestions please email me at
This will be a first come first serve.  Every week will be someone new.  I will think of questions then feature you!

Happy Fleeking

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Weekly Review Jan 18-24, 2015

Hello my fellow Fleekers!

I have decided that I am going to do a weekly review on Saturday.  I can't wait until Thursday .

So.  This week.  I did not get to my zone cleaning.  I am going to have to brain storm on how I am going to do this.  I love the Flylady system.

I started doing a type of "brain dumping.”
This has been working fairly well so far.  If you would like me to go more into that I can.  Just comment below.

I have started doing times like a youtuber filofaxer that I really am amazed at.  Here is one of her video (enjoyette).  I liked how she arranged her appointment times.  So I started doing that in my bullet journal.

The priority planning from the brain dump worked very well.  I am going to do that again this week.  I also enjoy my goal trackers.

I didn't end up decorating the rest of the week.

I didn't get a whole lot done the rest of the week as I ended up fairly busy.  I did try to do a few things here and there.  But sadly there are a lot of yellow marks.

Here is to a more productive week!  Not perfect.  But better.

How was your week?

Happy Fleeking!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Inside My Filofax

Welcome Fleekers!
I realize it is not technically Thursday but I was so excited to post!!  Mostly because of my new pictures done by my amazing sister Jennie Robins.  I would like to thank her for taking the time for these photos!!!

So.  Let's get into it shall we?  This will be more of an overview.  Not a review of the planner or an in depth explanation of how I plan.  If you would like me to go into detail comment below!!

This is a month view that was using.  I got it from My Life All In One Place.

I have discovered the love of deorating my pages.  This was inspired by the talented blogger Jennifer (My Purpley Life).  I love watching her videos on her decorating.  I have purchased some products of my own and gotten into decorating my pages.  It's so addicting!!  
Below are some of my weekly pages.

These are my sections.  Unfortunately I honestly can't remember where I got these.  
My sections are:

Below are some of the pages that I created.  If I can figure out how to share them I will put them in a post if anyone isinterested.  

This is my cleaning page.  I base my cleaning off the FlyLady program.  I cut a transparent paper so I can check and erase with out using paper.

The next few pages are transparent paper with sticky notes all over them.  It's nice to have when you are out and about.

This is a pocket I got from Staples.  I keep some Martha Stewart Dew Drops (who doesn't have those?  Lol) and a few other random stickers.

The back has a pocket in which I keep a small notebook that I purchased from Staples.  I intended on using this for food and supply inventory.

A top view.

Well! That is it!  I hope you enjoyed a peek inside my Filofax.  If you would like a review or a more in depth explanation of how I used each page or even planned please let me know!!!  

Happy Fleeking!

Disclaimer:  I am not sponsered in any way. All products mentioned were purchased by me.  All opinions are my own.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

My First Filofax

I have always been a planner person.  A paper person.  A pen person.  I started looking at planner videos  on youtube.  I came across the Filofax users.  I watched video after video about them.
Here are some of the videos that I watched:
Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

There are many many more videos on reviews and how to organize this specific planner and how to organize it.

I got one from  I believe it was on sale at the time.

I have love my filofax.  I started looking at videos on how I could make it work for me.
I also started decorating it as well.  I got my inspiration from My Purpley Life.

Here is a picture of my filofax.  I do not name it or give it a gender as many Fleekers do.  But that is just me.  Not saying that doing that is wrong at all.  By all means.

Disclamer: please excuse the quality of the pictures.  I am hoping to get my lap top fixed so I can take better pictures.

My Metrolpol.  I have fallen in love with.

A top view.

I LOVE the color.  It's a beautiful binder.  Obviously as you can see it is very full.  The Rings are starting to pull a tiny bit.  But not enough to where it bothers me.  I think rings tend to spread because people pull the Rings themselves instead of the top and bottom push flaps.  Also I believe over stuffing (which is a Fleek symptom-again not a bad thing) can cause the rings to spread.

Anyway.  Let's take a peek inside:

And there you have it.     I hope you enjoyed this post!   This will be all for this one!   Stay tuned for next week's post! 

Happy Fleeking!


Welcome to my new blog!  I have become a beginner filofax/bullet journal obsessor.

I have alays loved planners and office supplies.  I have never been low on pens or pencils or notebooks.  In fact I am one if my notebook gets to a certain point I have to get a fresh one.  I am always picking up new pens.  I keep saying if I ever worked at an office supply store I would never come home with a pay check.  They would just have to put it in a credit account for me.  It would be a dangerous place.  Lol.

So.  I have decided to start a blog seeperate from my personal one (as I want to keep my family's life as private as possible).  I have entitled it Life of A Fleek.  What is a Fleek you may ask?  Well.  It is me stretching it a bit and putting filofax and geek together.  I have finally admitted I am a Planner geek.  Therefore I have dubbed myself a Fleek.  FiLofax GEek.  And there you have it.  Lol.

This is the beginning blog of a planner journey.  I will be blogging every week for now then be blogging regular pending on requests and views.  My next post will be with pictures of my first (and only) filofax.  We will go on with the journey to my newly acquired interest in bullet journals.  

My purpose is to give ideas and enjoyment to the filofax/planner world.  Also since I am a beginner I am really hoping for inspiration from others.  

Thank you for your time!  Enjoy!  Happy Fleeking! (I may or may have to change the name....not sure if this will  be taken in the wrong way!  I do not intend it to be taken wrong!  Lol.)

Ps: please be patient with me as this is my first filofax/planner blog!   And the fact that I am a beginner blogger!   Any suggestions would be most welcome!