I know...long time no see!! I mean REALLY long time!!!!
Well. I am still in my Fauxdori. It has changed a bit but not a whole lot. I am also working with my Erin Condren. I am trying to transform it into my home management planner.
But as you will see I have not found a consistent lay out in my Erin Condren that I am using. It is frustrating really.
Sorry about the shadowing in the pictures...
Here is a week in September. I LOVE how this turned kut. I just LOVE the decorating.
This was a week in December. The more I got into my Erin Condren I felt like it was redundant to write in my Fauxdori AND my Erin Condren. So here I am trying to just include my cleaning. But I am still not at peace with the lay out.
Next we have a few month views from my Erin Condren.
Here is September. My birthday month. I really enjoyed the decorating.
Again with October. I LOVE this lay out.
Here is the new year of 2016. No decorating. I felt it redundant to write the times of my appointments on the monthly pages. So I just started writing the appointment name.
This is April 2016 already planned. I am trying this just for my limited amount of bills I pay. I do like the idea. I still feel like I want to utilize the space I have. So I don't know if I will add monthly cleaning jobs or what.
Now don't get me wrong. I love my two planners. I am just trying to figure out a system to use both. I take my Fauxdori everywhere with me. We will dive into that next week. I keep my EC at home. I just need to find peace on how to corrdinate them together. Sigh. Planner girl struggles. Lol.
Thanks for being patient with me as I get back into blogging. I know I have been a HUGE slacker!!!