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Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Fleeker Friend Feature With A Twist

Hello my Friendly Fleekers!

This week's Fleeker Feature is going to be a little different.  I was talking to my friend about what I was going to blog about since I didn't have a Fleeker Friend to interview.  She said I could do her but it would be pretty pointless since she doesn't put pen to paper.  I got thinking that would be a great topic!

She kind of felt bad that she wanted to help me but that she didn't have the traditional planner that most of my Fleeker Friends have.  I got thinking about it and there is nothing wrong with that.

Her method is mental.  She keeps a mental list of things that she needed to do and ideas.  I actually admire that in a person.  Not just because she's one of my best friends but because she can remember things without writing them down.  Sometimes she makes a list on a piece of paper.

The point I am trying to make is there is no wrong way to plan.  If you are new to planners and Filofaxes and bullet journals just remember there is no right or wrong way.

There is a huge community on Facebook and Pinterest  and in the blogger world where you see many pictures and videos of people who spend hours and hours on their planners decorating them.  I think that is amazing!  The work they put into them is just fascinating to me.

Here are a few examples (disclamer: I am in no way taking credit for these ideas.  I give 100% credit to the authors of the videos and pinterest photos.  I am not trying to steal the content or anything of that nature.  I am merely trying to point out the difference of planners to prove my point)

Video 1

Pinterest Link 1

Video 2

Video 3

Pinterest 2

Pinterest Link 3

Some of my favorites come from Jen at My Purpley Life.  I know I mention her a lot but she is where I got my first inspiration to decorate.

There are other more simple was to plan jut like my friend and her mental planning.  There are smart phones and just plain old planners from Staples.

My mom has been using basic planner for years.  It works just fine for her.

My friend uses her God given brain.  That works for her.

I use a bullet journal.  That works good for me.

Have I reiterated the point enough?  Lol.

So.  When it comes to all of the pens and washi washi tape and stickers and phones and brains there is no wrong or right way.  You just do what works for you.  Sometimes it will evolve over time like mine did

Here is an example of my filofax pages.  They worked really well.  I don't have a picture with me but at the beginning of that year I didn't even decorate.  Now I am using a completely different format.

So remember Fleekers (as if you could forget from my reiteration in this post) 
No matter what planner you use Filofax, bullet journal, phone or brain as long as it works for you that is what matters.

Thanks for reading!  Sorry for more of the rant post.  

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

As always Happy Fleeking!

Check out my post here for a GiftAway.  Only a few days left!

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